Autumn is definitely here, with early twilight and misty mornings. But time in the garden doesn’t have to end just because summer has come to a close. With half term not too far away, it’s the perfect time to get the kids active in the outdoors.
A new book, ‘A Year of Nature Walks and Games’ by Becky Goddard-Hill and Catherine Hughes, is packed with projects to keep the youngsters having fun outdoors all year round. Making an apple bird feeder to hang in the garden will help keep our feathered friends happy as the days get colder. It’s a great activity to enjoy together, and Becky and Catherine have kindly shared this project from their book with us below. And even better – there’s a giveaway too, with copies of the new book up for grabs, and bundle of our children’s gardening tools.
Apple bird feeders
Birds love fruit, bird seed and nuts so you just know these bird feeders will go down a treat.
You will need:
- String or twine
- Apples
- Bird seed
- Peanut butter
How to make them
- Slice the apples (or ask your grown up to) into about five slices from the top down, across the core.
- Using a cutlery knife, carefully cut a hole out of the middle of each slice, making sure to get rid of any seeds (apple seeds aren’t good for birds).
- Now thread a piece of string through each hole and tie a knot to make a hanging loop. Use enough string so it can be hung on a branch.
- Smear each slice with peanut butter and sprinkle on some bird seed. Press the seed gently into the peanut butter to make it stick.
- Now simply hang the apple slices from your nearest tree and wait for the birds to spot them!