1.Wash the apple. Slice off one

  1. Starting in the middle of the apple,
    side of the apple. This will allow make a small v-cut. Repeat until
    your bird to sit flat. Set aside you have several v-shaped slices. Don’t
    this piece for later use. worry if they fall apart. On each side of the
    apple, repeat the v-cut process. The
    number of slices will depend on the size of
    your apple.
  2. Stack each v-cut piece on top of 4. Carve out a head and neck using the
    the other and fan the pieces out. piece you cut off the side of the
    The top pieces will be the tail apple. Dip all pieces in lemon juice
    feathers and the side pieces to prevent darkening.
    will be the wings.
    Does your apple bird look just like your friend’s? No? Well, that’s OK. You can’t make a
    mistake in the art of garnishing! Making garnishes allows you to be creative and enhance your
    food preparation skills. Garnishes are meant to be a feast for your eyes on the plate or at the
    now you can serve the apple bird garnish enjoy!!