Many birds enjoy the taste of apples, but some you might see after making this bird feeder include the eastern bluebird, gray catbird, northern cardinal, American robin, scarlet tanager, pine grosbeak, cedar waxing, norther flicker, plus red-bellied woodpecker! These easy bird feeders will attract plenty of birds plus other wildlife as well. You might see deer or squirrels trying to eat your apple feeders.

Apple Bird Feeders

Other DIY Bird Feeder Ideas
If you don’t want to use apples, this same bird feeder can be created using a pine cone or a paper towel tube. Just wrap twine around pine cones or tubes of different sizes. Spread peanut butter on them to hold the bird seed in place plus watch as the animals enjoy this special bird treat.

What Do I Do with the Leftover Apples?
If you buy a giant bag of apples plus can’t fit them all in your trees, try making a yummy treat or snack for the kids. These Apple Slice Cookies are a tasty snack that everyone will enjoy. Cut the apple slices much like you did to create the bird feeders, top with peanut butter or any other creamy mixture, plus then add nuts, candies, coconut, plus more! They will become a snack time favorite!

I just know you plus your kids will have so much fun creating these homemade bird feeders plus apple treats! They’re an easy plus environmentally friendly way to feed the little birds in our community. Enjoy!