Month: February 2025

Home made bird treats enjoy!

Homemade Bird Treats
This is a great gift for your feather friends. These will attract all of your backyard birds. Bluejays, chickadees, titmouse, cardinals, nuthatches, mockingbirds, etc. Get the kids involved in making these; they can make them for grandparents, teacher gifts, nature schooling, girl or boy scout projects or just because they love birds,

How to Make Apple Birdseed Homemade Bird Feeders, Apple Bird Feeders, These APPLE BIRDSEED BIRD FEEDERS ARE THE BEST! Your backyard birds will flock to your yard with these Easy bird feeders. DIY bird feeders are a great family craft plus a fun way to learn about nature. Adding in apples for fall is an extra special homemade bird treat, Homemade Bird Treats, From How to Make bird seed ornaments to DIY birdseed ornaments plus Apple Activities for Kids, we have hundreds of fall ideas plus activities

Add this to your Kindergarten plus Preschool Apple Activities or Apple Theme for a fantastic learning experience.

Homemade Bird Feeders
How to Make Apple Birdseed Homemade Bird Feeders, Apple Bird Feeders, Easy Homemade Bird Feeders, Great Fall Craft for Kids, Homemade Bird Treats, Apple Activities

Birdseed Ornaments Recipe
These APPLE BIRDSEED BIRD FEEDERS ARE THE BEST! You can Invite the birds to your yard with these Easy bird feeders. DIY bird feeders are a great family craft plus a fun way to learn about nature. Adding in apples for fall is an extra bonus.

Apple Bird Feeders

2 cups Birdseed
2/3 cup Water
2 Packets Unflavored Gelatin
4 Apples
8 small screws


  1. Bring Water to a boil, add gelatin, plus stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Mix the birdseed into this mixture.
  3. Cut the apples in half lengthwise plus hollow out the insides with a spoon or knife.
  4. Fill each apple with birdseed mixture, set on a sheet pan, plus put in the fridge for 1-2 hours or until firm.
  5. Poke a screw into the top of each apple plus tie a piece of twine to it.
  6. Hang outside for all the birds to enjoy!

Apple bird feeders

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Beautiful apple bird feeders that are simpel and fun to make as a whole family. They hang easily in the backyard and birds love them.
This DIY Apple Bird Feeder is a fantastic activity to complete with kids of all ages and we, especially my husband, always love watching the visitors we get once these go up in the yard. I remember making these in elementary school and bringing them home to enjoy. It’s fun to bring those memories into my kid’s lives. These bird feeders are great any time of year. Many birds migrate for the winter, but some stick around.
Can You Put Apples in a Bird Feeder?
Fresh fruit, especially sweet-smelling apples will attract all sorts of birds to your backyard! If you want to see birds and other wildlife in your yard, make a DIY bird feeder. All you have to do is cut apples into slices or in half and remove the large seeds. Fill the apples with bird seed or sugar water for hummingbirds. Try making these Apple Bird Feeders below to get started.

Materials to Make DIY Bird Feeders
If you don’t already have these materials, you can find them at your local supercenter (like Walmart) and craft stores. Any kind of apples will do. The larger the better for more peanut butter and bird seed coverage. Your feathered friends will thank you.

Wild Bird Seed
Peanut Butter
Sharp Knife
You may end up needing a tapestry needle to thread the twine through the apple core. You can find these and other craft supplies online or at Michaels Stores. They’re a great tool to have on hand for crafts and activities like these.
How Do You Make an Apple Bird Feeder?
Making these bird feeders is simple. They make a beautiful garden decoration, you just have to swap them out from time to time and replace the mixture of bird seed. It’s a fun activity for the whole family. Check out how easy it is.

To start, cut an apple in half. You don’t need to core the center of it, but do make sure you can thread a piece of twine/jute through it. I recommend doing this before the next step.
Spread peanut butter on the apple half. I like to cover the front and the back.
Dip your covered apple into birdseed and press lightly so the seeds stay in place.
Tie your thread into a knot if you haven’t already and hang them from a tree branch or fence post.

Which Birds Would Eat Applebird

Many birds enjoy the taste of apples, but some you might see after making this bird feeder include the eastern bluebird, gray catbird, northern cardinal, American robin, scarlet tanager, pine grosbeak, cedar waxing, norther flicker, plus red-bellied woodpecker! These easy bird feeders will attract plenty of birds plus other wildlife as well. You might see deer or squirrels trying to eat your apple feeders.

Apple Bird Feeders

Other DIY Bird Feeder Ideas
If you don’t want to use apples, this same bird feeder can be created using a pine cone or a paper towel tube. Just wrap twine around pine cones or tubes of different sizes. Spread peanut butter on them to hold the bird seed in place plus watch as the animals enjoy this special bird treat.

What Do I Do with the Leftover Apples?
If you buy a giant bag of apples plus can’t fit them all in your trees, try making a yummy treat or snack for the kids. These Apple Slice Cookies are a tasty snack that everyone will enjoy. Cut the apple slices much like you did to create the bird feeders, top with peanut butter or any other creamy mixture, plus then add nuts, candies, coconut, plus more! They will become a snack time favorite!

I just know you plus your kids will have so much fun creating these homemade bird feeders plus apple treats! They’re an easy plus environmentally friendly way to feed the little birds in our community. Enjoy!

How To Make applebird rings

Treat the wildlife in your garden this winter with these nutty apple rings.

This quick winter craft is a great way to encourage children to get outdoors this December, and to learn about the wildlife living in the garden.

Empty heading
A cutting board with a bowl of mixed seeds, a jar of crunchy peanut butter, two apples, scissors, a knife, and a spool of twine.

What you’ll need:
Wild bird seed
Peanut butter
Dried apple slices with strings attached, arranged on a wooden surface.

Step 1.
Slice the apples into rings, remove the core and thread twine through the hole, tying to create a loop.

Sliced apples with peanut butter, each with a string attached, arranged on a wooden surface.Step 2.
Spread the lower half of the apple slices with peanut butter.
Step 3.Step 3.
Dunk into birdseed so that it sticks to the peanut butter.

Slices of fruit with seeds are hanging from tree branches using twine, with small lights in the background.

Step 4.
Hang them in your garden trees and watch the birds santai their winter treat!

Making a Pretty Birds From an Apple by self

Everyone wants to impress their friends! One cool way to do this is to have neat decorations at your next get together. This Instructable will show you how to make a centerpiece for your table. This piece of art will be made from an apple and will be in the shape on a bird or swan. This is easy to do and it wont ongkos you too much time! All you need is a few materials, a positive attitude, and ten to twenty minutes. If you can use a knife safely then this is the project for you.
Step 1: Step 1: Gather the Materials
Step 1: Gather the Materials
To get started you will need to get all the required materials.

  1. An apple. Medium sizes work best but large ones are fine too. Small ones are sometimes hard to work with. I like to use Granny Smith because it is a very dense apple which will help you later on. If you want a red or yellow bird you can pick any apple you want.
  2. A knife. You should use a small or medium sized knife like a parring or utility knife. The most important thing to consider when using a knife is that is it very sharp. This will help you in two ways. First it will help keep you safe. A sharp knife is easier to control than a dull one so there is less of a chance it will slip when you are using it. Second, having a sharp knife will make it easier to make precise cuts on your apple. Warning-Knives are sharp and can cut you!
  3. A cutting board.
  4. *Optional-You can use a solution of citrus juice (like lemon juice) to apply to the finished produk if desired. This will help preserve it.
  5. *Optional-tooth pick

Step 2: Step 2: Make the Body
Step 2: Make the Body
The first step on your journey to making a beautiful apple bird is to make the bird’s body. Place the apple in front you on your cutting board with the stem up at the top. Then proceed to cut approximately one forth of the apple off vertically as shown in the picture. Be sure to keep your fingers curved parallel with the knife while you cut so you don’t slice one off. Make your cut as flat as possible because this will be the base of your bird and will like on the table. Be sure to save the small part of the apple that is cut off as it will be used later to make the head of the bird.
Step 3: Step 3: the First Wing
Step 3: the First Wing
You are now ready to make your first wing. Place the large part of the apple you just cut and place it on its flat edge. Rotate the apple so the stem is facing you.

Start making the first wing by cutting down vertically on the apple a few millimeters until you are about a just over half way down. Then make a cut perpendicular to the first cut at its base to remove the wings first “feather”. Then make another cut that is the same thickness parallel to the first one. Make sure this segment is the same depth as the first one as well. At this point you can cut Perpendicular to the base and remove this segment. Remove a third segment using the same method as the first two as shown in the picture.

Note-If you are left handing cut out the wing on the left side first so you can use your dominant hand and keep the bird facing the right direction.
Step 4: Step 4:The Second Wing
Step 4:The Second Wing
Step 4:The Second Wing
Start the second wing by rotating the apple 180 degrees so the bottom of the apple is facing toward you. This is so you can more easily use your dominant hand to make the cuts on the apple. Repeat the process of making the first wing exactly to make the second one. After the wing is cut, rotate the the apple back to its original position and moves the left wing segments to this side as shown in the second picture.
Step 5: Step 5:The Tail
Step 5:The Tail
The next step is the most tricky of the whole process. Start making the tail of the bird by cutting a shallow cut on the top of the apple at about a 45 degree angle to the cutting board. Stop your cut when it reaches the center line of the bird (The line that divides the bird in half stem to base). Next mirror this cut on the other side of the bird exactly. This should cause the wedge shown at the bottom of the image to come out. If the slice does not come out them gently cut back on the other side until your two cuts meet.

Next you need to make the next segment of the tail. Make a cut on the that is the same as the first but goes deeper. You can do this buy cutting just about a half centimeter to the side of your previous cut on both sides of the dividing line. If the cut is at the same angle that the first segment was cut at then it is this segment should be easy to remove.

Make the third segment by repeating the same procedure as the second segment. This cut may reach all the way to the core of the apple.
Step 6: Step 6: Assemble the Bird’s Body
Step 6: Assemble the Bird’s Body
Step 6: Assemble the Bird’s Body
The next step is to assemble your bird’s body. The first thing to do is to put all the pieces of your bird back into the apple the reverse order of when they were cut out. This will make the apple look whole again. Then begin to slide the pieces toward you. Arrange the pieces so that the smallest ones are the farthest back and large ones are moved only slightly. The final arrangement will have the each piece just a little farther back then the last and will look like the images.
Step 7: Step 7: Starting the Head
Step 7: Starting the Head
Now take the section of the apple you cut off in the first step. Take this section and place it lengthwise in front of you. Cut out the middle of the apple so that this section is a few centimeters think. Discard the left and right pieces.
Step 8: Step 8: Cutting Out the Head
Step 8: Cutting Out the Head
Take the piece of apple you just removed and place it on its side. Make a cut in this piece that is about two thirds from the bottom and is at about a 30 degree angle relative to the horizontal. This cut should deep enough to be about a centimeter away from the skin of the apple. Next make a cut mirroring the curve of the apple at the same depth as the first cut. This cut can be seen in the image.
Step 9: Step 9: Make Room for the Head
Step 9: Make Room for the Head
Turn the body of the apple to it is facing toward you. Cut a square shaped slot near the base of the apple that is the same thickness or slightly smaller that the thickness of the head.
Step 10: Step 10:Finish Your Bird
Step 10:Finish Your Bird
Now insert the head of the bird into the slot you just made. If you are having trouble making it stay in place then use the toothpick to pin it in place and break off the ends so nomer one can see them.

Congrats! Your bird is now ready to show off to your friends

Making an Apple Bird

I love being creative and food art is something that never fails to impress. I first learnt how to carve/slice an apple into a bird when I was in my first full time position quite a few years ago and I used to make them as a commis chef to help decorate the salad bar. These days I love to use them as centre piece to the table so that they can be admired and they always become a talking point. Ocassionaly at the end of the meal they will get put away in preparation for a second viewing, though more often than not they succumb to being devoured.. 🙁

I like to make a swan like bird with red apples though there are many different styles of apple birds that you may make and some take more intricate cutting than others. I often get asked how long it takes to make them and the simplest ones literally take a few minutes and the more stylish designs up to about 6 minutes though I always mention that it.s takes taken me nearly 30 years and thousands of birds to be able to do so… 😉

To make your Apple Bird You will need
An apple – a sharp knife – lemon – chopping board – cocktail stick
Choose a segar apple with nomer bruises

Set up your board, have your knife and lemon to hand

Cut the first slice of the apple near the bottom which later becomes the head

Use plenty of lemon juice as you cut to stop the apple from oxidising – repeat through each step

Cut out three wedges from the top and sides which will make the wings and the tail

With each wedge, cut out smaller wedges until they becime too small to continue – the thinner you cut, the more wedges you will have and the prettier your bird

Fan out the wedges and replace to the main oart of the apple

When you carve the head, use the natural curve of the apple to create the neck and head

Push one of the pips into the flesh to make the eye

Use a cocktail stick if necessary to hold the head in place

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